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Need a science fair project idea?

School science fair projects! Do those words fill you with excitement or fear? (Or maybe a little bit of both.) Take a deep breath and relax. With a little bit of planning, you can find great science fair project ideas, and turn them into creative, rewarding and fun learning experiences. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to a great science fair project.

What are Science Fair Projects?

Think of your school science fair project as an investigation designed to answer a question. You will use a very specific set of steps to make sure that the answer is as accurate as possible. This series of steps is called The Scientific Method:

  1. Choose a topic

  2. State the hypothesis

  3. Plan the experiment

  4. Perform the experiment and make observations

  5. Analyze the results

  6. Reach conclusions

Steps in a Science Fair Project

Choose a science fair project idea (question and hypothesis)

Picking science fair project ideas may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Since you will be working on your project for many weeks, it’s important to pick a topic you find interesting…. (Read more….)

Perform the experment and make observations

It is extremely important to make careful and detailed observations and measurements. There are two kinds of observations ….. (Read more….)

Analyze results, reach conclusions, report

To complete your science fair project, you must analyze the data and draw a conclusion from the experimental observations you recorded….. (Read more….)

Present your project – the science fair display board

Your science fair display board is how your project will be viewed and judged. The keys to a good display are…. (Read more….)

Find science articles and background information for your science project

Get in-depth background information on many different subjects with Science Made Simple. The science articles each cover one topic in detail, and include 4 sections: 2-3 pages explaining the subject in an interesting, easy to understand description, a simple one page overview (for young readers), an in-depth discussion of a related topic, and a section of simple demontration projects. Click to Learn More.